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Supporting Families

Standing together

Welcome to the club no one wants to be a part of. We're sorry to be connected this way. As families of loved ones lost to and harmed by police violence, we stand with you as you navigate this unimaginable loss. While there is no way we can understand the unique loss you're experiencing now, we understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed, like you're trying to fight for justice with both hands tied behind your back after a crippling loss. You can find community here. We've been there and we continue fight for police accountability, justice, and peace. We see you and support you.

We are here to help.


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Advice from families

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Fighting for Justice

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How do you navigate the unimaginable when you're grappling with loss? We can't imagine what you're going through because every experience is unique. But going many of us have similar tragic experiences with police violence and many have some wisdom and advice you might find helpful.

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Standing Together

Fighting for justice and legal need-to-knows. Figuring out our legal system as you seek justice can be a daunting task. Here are some important things to know if you decide to take a legal path.

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Find Community

If and when you feel ready to engage with other families who have experienced this type of loss, we're here for you. You can join our monthly meetings, or join PNWFC. Participation can be as fleeting or sustained as you need and we understand that sometimes you may need to take some time away.

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Grieving & Healing

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We stand with you

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